HMRC Enquiry & Investigation Support

Home Our services HMRC Enquiry & Investigation Support

The increasing complexity of tax legislation in recent years and the number and rigour of HMRC’s enquiries and investigations has meant that individuals who have made inadvertent errors or, indeed, no errors at all or undertaken what would, at the time of its implementation, have been regarded as acceptable tax planning or are in dispute with HMRC over complex matters of substantive law are now exposed to the costs, burdens and stresses of extended investigation.

In providing our advice we evaluate errors and inconsistencies in a taxpayer’s affairs, understand their implications for a client’s substantive tax liabilities and the imposition of penalties and provide exact and clear advice on their disclosure to HMRC.


‘McKie & Co may have saved my life. The stress of a tax enquiry into an ill-drafted legal document is intense. Simon and Sharon’s depth of knowledge and ability to understand a legal and tax problem of great complexity was invaluable to me and my family, and their calm manner and willingness to help in difficult circumstances helped me through a very dark period.’

Being subject to a detailed enquiry can be a frighteningly unfair process; one in which the balance of power is stacked heavily in favour of HMRC and in which the burden of proof falls on the taxpayer. Taxpayers, in effect, must bear the costs and burdens of proving their errors to be innocent or, where they have made no errors, of proving their returns to be correct.

In dealing with private clients one must have the ability to explain the possible financial and wider consequences of an enquiry clearly but in a way which takes account of the client’s natural fears and does not unnecessarily exacerbate his anxiety.

client, MD

‘McKie & Co’s advice on the likely progress of our dealing with HMRC was invaluable. Their obvious technical competence and their ability to analyse, explain and quantify uncertain outcomes enabled me to take decisions securely based on reliable assessments of costs and probabilities.’

CaN we help you?

If you have a matter on which you require tax advice please contact us by completing the form opposite.